Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East highlighted the strong historical connections between the Church of Antioch and Greece.
During a meeting at the Patriarchal headquarters in Balamand, the Patriarch met with Mr. Georgios Kalantzis, Secretary General of Religious Affairs of Greece. The gathering was also attended by Mrs. Despina Kokoulopoulou, Ambassador of Greece to Lebanon, and Greek Consul Ignatios Papadimitriou. Representing the Antiochian side were Dr. Elias Warrak, President of the University of Balamand; Archimandrite George Yaacoub, Abbot of Our Lady of Balamand Monastery; and Archimandrite Jacob Khalil, Dean of St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology at the University of Balamand.
Patriarch John X and the Greek delegation engaged in a comprehensive discussion regarding the current status of the Church of Antioch and strategies to enhance and solidify the historical bond between the Church of Antioch and Greece, particularly in light of the ongoing situation in the Middle East.
Following the meeting, the delegation joined the Patriarch in a prayer service at the monastery church.