Despite heavy rain, tens of thousands of Belgrade citizens participated in a solemn procession on their city’s patronal feast day. Since the relics of Saint Justin of Ćelije and the icon of the Mother of God of the Sign were brought into the Church of Ascension, faithful people have been flocking to venerate them. On the day of the Ascension of the Lord and Belgrade’s patronal feast day, the area around the church was filled with devout individuals. The procession included priests, elite army and police units, choir members, catechists, and students from Belgrade schools, and was led by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch kyr Porfirije.
Other religious leaders and government officials also participated in the procession, which made stops at key locations in the city. Patriarch Porfirije delivered a sermon at the Church of Saint Sava, emphasizing the significance of the day and the presence of the relics and icon.
Brothers and sisters, today is a day of salvation and joy! The presence of the relics and icon brings grace and blessings to our city on this special occasion. We welcome the relics of Saint Justin and the icon of the Mother of God with great joy and reverence. Their presence sanctifies our city and spreads the message of Christ throughout Belgrade.
We are grateful for the teachings of Saint Justin and the protection of the Mother of God, who have brought us comfort and light in times of darkness. Let us continue to honor their legacy and spread their message of faith and love.
Today, from America, we welcome His Eminence Metropolitan of New York and Eastern America, kyr Nicholas, the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, who joins us in prayer and celebration. Together, we gather in the Church of Saint Sava to meet Venerable Father Justin of Ćelije, seeking his intercessory prayers for peace and blessings for our people and all nations.
In a world filled with turbulent forces and trials, threatening our Serbian Orthodox people, we must recognize that every trial, no matter how great, stems from spiritual sickness. To overcome these challenges on personal, familial, and national levels, we must engage in spiritual warfare. On this day of the Ascension, we seek the prayers of Venerable Father Justin and the Mother of God for strength and guidance.
As we celebrate the patronal feast day of our capital city, we are reminded of the diversity within our nation, a gift from God meant to unite us in overcoming trials and evil. By following the teachings of Christ and the Gospel, we can strive to be better individuals and a stronger community, rooted in eternal and divine principles.
In a world where ideologies seek to distort the word of God, we must remain steadfast in our Orthodox Christian faith, following the examples of our saints. Let us always look to Christ as our mirror and measure, ensuring that He remains our focus and purpose in all aspects of life.
As we celebrate this day of Salvation and the feast of Belgrade, let us extend blessings to all people and nations, following the golden rule of treating others as we wish to be treated. May peace, comfort, and the blessings of God be with us all. Wishing you a joyful holiday season! May the Lord bless you with many more years to come!
Source and photo: Serbian Patriarchate
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