The following content has been regenerated for WordPress integration:
Regenerate It is also a work in progress with more material being added constantly, iyâH, and hopefully other enhancements in the near future.
I am extremely grateful to Vascad Marketing and my student Chaim Honikman for producing the website ([email protected]). If you visit the website, you will likely be quite impressed with its high quality and professionalism.
Chanukah is a time of celebration of our steadfast dedication to Torah. I pray that this website will inspire and help its visitors connect with the timeless words of our most sacred commodity.
I hope my distinguished readers will visit the website and enjoy its varied content. Please feel free to convey feedback, including any suggestions and critiques. Please share the website with those you think could benefit from it. Most of all I pray that it helps us all always be Striving Higher.
Lichtig & Freilichen Chanukah & Orot Sameiach
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
Râ Dani and Chani Staum
[email protected]