The Raška and Prizren Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church strongly protests the severe damage and desecration of the Hermitage of Saint Peter of Koriša, a 13th-century Serbian Orthodox holy site near Prizren, Kosovo. Unauthorized construction work has compromised the site’s archaeological and historical integrity, endangering its structural stability. Despite being a Specially Protected Zone under Kosovo’s Law on Special Protective Zones, the hermitage has faced repeated violations since the 1999 conflict, including grave desecration, defacement of frescoes, and the erection of an Albanian flag over the site.
The desecration of the hermitage’s frescoes is seen as a clear example of cultural and religious vandalism, deeply offending Orthodox believers and highlighting Kosovo’s failure to preserve medieval Serbian Orthodox heritage. The Serbian Orthodox Church has long advocated for the protection of this sacred site, emphasizing the need to safeguard Christian cultural monuments in the region.
Despite legal protections, the municipality of Prizren conducted illegal construction work at the site without consulting or obtaining approval from the Serbian Orthodox Church. The construction, carried out by a local Kosovo Albanian company, lacked heritage experts and endangered the hermitage’s structural integrity. The diocese has condemned this action as a serious legal violation threatening a historically significant religious site.
The Hermitage of Saint Peter of Koriša holds immense spiritual and cultural value, dating back to the 13th century and mentioned in medieval Serbian texts. Given its historical significance, the desecration of this site distresses Serbian Orthodox believers and jeopardizes a crucial part of Christian history.
The Raška and Prizren Diocese has called on international organizations and relevant Kosovo authorities to take immediate action to halt illegal activities, hold those responsible accountable, protect the hermitage, and repair the existing damage in coordination with the Serbian Orthodox Church. The diocese also plans to notify UNESCO and other international cultural heritage organizations to raise awareness of the ongoing destruction of Serbian Christian heritage in Kosovo.
The diocese warns that continued disregard for legal protections could result in irreversible damage to Serbian Orthodox religious and cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, stating that the systematic destruction of medieval Christian sanctuaries is unacceptable. An urgent call is made for intervention to prevent further destruction and safeguard the centuries-old Serbian Orthodox heritage in Kosovo.
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