Parthenius, the son of a deacon from Melitopolis, was known for his strong faith and commitment to helping the poor. He lived near a lake, where he fished and sold the fish to provide for those in need. Eventually, he was appointed as the Bishop of Lampsacus, where he worked to eliminate paganism, build churches, and strengthen the Christian community. Through his prayers, he was able to heal the sick and cast out evil spirits.

One notable incident involved Parthenius offering himself as a vessel for an evil spirit to inhabit, which caused the spirit to flee in fear of entering the house of God. Parthenius lived a long and fruitful life, dedicated to serving God and others. He passed away peacefully in the fourth century.
Parthenius, born in Melitopolis, was ordained as a priest and later became the Bishop of Lampsacus during the reign of Saint Constantine the Great. Known for his miracles and dedication to spreading the Christian faith, he was a respected figure in the community. After a life filled with miracles, Parthenius passed away in old age.