The Romanian Orthodox Church (ROC) is actively involved in shaping the present and future of Romania, advocating for Christian and European democratic values to benefit the Romanian people.
By being the first to sign the “Declaration of Religious Denominations for Romania’s Integration into the European Union” on May 16, 2000, the ROC reiterates its strong support for Romania’s EU membership. The European Union is viewed as a realm of prosperity and collaboration among the European peoples, with deep Christian roots among its founders.
Under Article 7, Paragraph 1 of Law No. 489/2006 on religious freedom and the general regime of religious denominations, religious denominations are recognized as promoters of social peace. In line with this, the Holy Synod has consistently prohibited ROC bishops, priests, deacons, monks, and nuns from engaging in partisan politics or endorsing candidates during electoral campaigns since 2008. This underscores the ROC’s commitment to neutrality during elections, akin to the stance of the Romanian Armed Forces.
Clergy members are encouraged to express their electoral preferences through their personal, confidential votes, without involving themselves in political activities. This parallels the restrictions placed on active military personnel, who are not allowed to publicly express political views, join political groups, or advocate for political entities or candidates.
In essence, the Romanian people seek a balance of freedom and unity, prosperity and stability.