By Fr. Elias Makos
Divine Liturgies are taking place throughout Albania, with clergy and laity coming together in prayer for the well-being of Archbishop Anastasios of Albania.
At the Church of the Annunciation in Tirana, the Orthodox community gathered to pray for the speedy recovery of Archbishop Anastasios. The Divine Liturgy was led by Metropolitan Nathanael of Amantia, along with clergy from the Archdiocese.
Furthermore, on Friday, January 10, students and teachers from the schools of the “Breath of Love” Foundation assembled at the Church of the Annunciation for a collective prayer.
As is widely known, Archbishop Anastasios is currently in a critical condition. His health deteriorated rapidly, leading to intubation and emergency surgery to address a bleeding episode.
Given his advanced age of 96, medical professionals are working diligently to stabilize and improve his health.
Initially diagnosed with a seasonal viral infection, Archbishop Anastasios was admitted to the Hygeia Hospital in Tirana on December 30. His condition worsened with the development of an infection and gastrorrhagia.
Consequently, he was airlifted on January 3 to Evangelismos Hospital in Athens, where initial attempts to treat the gastrorrhagia with medication were made. However, surgery and subsequent intensive care unit (ICU) stay became necessary.
Throughout his extensive years of missionary service, Archbishop Anastasios has consistently surpassed expectations and delved into the seemingly impossible, allowing spiritual values and life to guide his journey. He has reaped and generously shared the fruits of his labor for the benefit of others, steering clear of transient pursuits rooted in the flesh.
Instead, he uplifts and motivates individuals with lofty ideals, finding fulfillment and honor in fulfilling the divine will of God.
Messages from Orthodox Primates
The health of Archbishop Anastasios is a matter of global concern, as he is a figure of international stature.
Orthodox Church leaders have sent messages conveying their heartfelt concern and pledging their prayers.
In his letter to Archbishop Anastasios, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew expressed:
“In these challenging times, we send you our fraternal love and pray for your swift and complete recovery, enabling you to continue your cherished works for God, praising and thanking the One who ‘heals all our diseases’ (Psalm 102:3).”
Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem wrote in his letter:
“We implore our Savior Jesus Christ, who was born in a manger, to grant you a speedy recovery and full restoration of health, empowering you to continue with unwavering strength…”
Patriarch Daniel of Bulgaria conveyed in his message:
“We address you, who have consistently preached repentance and salvation, tirelessly spread the Word of God, and served as a living conscience of the Church.”
Among other sentiments, Patriarch Daniel of Romania wrote:
“In these trying times, we direct our thoughts to Your Beatitude and pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Healer of our souls and bodies, to support the medical team caring for you, alleviate your suffering, and restore your health.”