In a heartfelt condolence message to the Holy Synod of the Autocephalous Church of Albania, Serbian Patriarch Porfirije expressed deep sorrow at the passing of Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës, and All Albania.
Patriarch Porfirije praised the late Archbishop as “a faithful icon of self-sacrificial service to the Holy Church and a magnificent ornament of the Orthodox universe.”
Honoring Anastasios’ missionary work equal to the apostles, he noted that the Archbishop’s spiritual guidance brought faith and hope to numerous individuals, establishing him as a prominent figure in Orthodoxy.
Recalling him as “a great and sincere friend of the Serbian Church,” Patriarch Porfirije commended Archbishop Anastasios for promoting brotherly relations and unity within the Orthodox community.
On behalf of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Porfirije extended “sincere and deepest condolences” to the Albanian Orthodox Church, praying for Archbishop Anastasios’ soul to rest in the eternal Kingdom of Christ’s love. In conclusion, he declared, “Memory eternal, Most Reverend Bishop and brother Anastasios!”
Read the full message:
Holy Synod Of Bishops
Of The Autocephalous Church Of Albania
TiranaDear brethren and concelebrants in Christ,
With unwavering faith in the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come, but also with deep sorrow, inherent to humankind, We received the sad news on the repose of Our beloved brother and concelebrant in the Lord Christ, the Archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and of all Albania His Beatitude kyr Anastasios of blessed memory.
His Beatitude, through his selfless love for the eternal Archpastor of human souls – the God-Man Christ – was a faithful icon of self-sacrificial service to the Holy Church and a magnificent ornament of the Orthodox universe.
His equal-to-the-apostles missionary service in the world made him a towering spiritual figure in whom many lost and despairing people found a beloved father and received the light of faith in Jesus Christ, in Whom we all find meaning, eternal consolation, and joy.
Not grieving as those who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13), We will keep in loving prayerful remembrance the unforgettable Archbishop Anastasios as a great and sincere friend of the Serbian Church, with which he nurtured a brotherly relationship of love and respect.
Likewise, his yearning for the resolution of the burning church issues present in the Orthodox world will remain in history as a crying voice of responsibility from this blessed Father toward the vow given to Christ and His most holy Church.
Expressing Our most sincere and deepest condolences to Your Eminences and the entire Albanian Orthodox Church, on behalf of the pleroma of the Serbian Orthodox Church – the Patriarchate of Peć, and in Our personal name, for the loss of the great and beloved Archpastor in the bright figure of Archbishop Anastasios, We pray to the Risen Lord that his righteous soul may dwell in the Kingdom of perfect and everlasting Christ’s love, where the faithful servants of God are eternally blessed!
Memory eternal, Most Reverend Bishop and brother Anastasios!
With love in Christ the Lord,
Serbian Patriarch