On Wednesday, Patriarch Daniel ordained fourteen priests as confessors (spiritual fathers) in the Archdiocese of Bucharest, offering them guidance for their new spiritual role, which included the advice to avoid personal opinions.
The ordination ceremony took place in the “St. George the Great Martyr” Chapel at the Patriarchal Residence.
Patriarch Daniel stressed the importance of confessors enlightening the faithful with the teachings of the Gospel and the Holy Fathers, rather than relying on their own ideas. He instructed them to base their advice on the Gospel’s teachings, not on personal views.
Furthermore, Patriarch Daniel explained the concept of withholding sins, quoting St. Cyril of Alexandria, who suggested that delaying absolution could lead to a deeper repentance in the penitent. He clarified that this delay is intended for better spiritual preparation, not as a permanent refusal to forgive sins.
The Patriarch highlighted the apostolic and spiritual nature of the confessor’s ministry, emphasizing the need for spiritual growth in believers. He emphasized the importance of not only forgiving sins but also guiding penitents towards spiritual sanctification and the cultivation of virtues.
The Role of the Confessor as a Spiritual Healer
Patriarch Daniel underscored the historical significance of the confessor’s role in the early Church, particularly in absolving sins and enabling believers to partake in Holy Communion. He referenced the Sixth Ecumenical Council’s definition of a true confessor as a spiritual healer, likening them to a doctor who aids in the soul’s healing rather than a mere judge.
He emphasized the importance of discernment in the confessor’s approach, tailoring their guidance to individuals’ needs. Whether offering reassurance to those burdened by sin or encouraging diligence in the lax, the confessor must act as a spiritual guide with great responsibility.
Patriarch Daniel reminded the faithful of their duty to pray for their confessors, asking for divine guidance in their spiritual counsel. He emphasized the increased responsibility that comes with guiding more spiritual children and the necessity of carrying them in prayer.
The newly ordained confessors received certificates of completion, blessing crosses, an Euchologion, and other gifts to aid them in their ministry.
Photo: Lumina Newspaper / Mihnea Păduraru
Source: basilica.ro