Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia conveyed his well-wishes to Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia on January 27, 2025, in honor of the feast day of Saint Sava, the revered founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
In his message, Patriarch Kirill commended Saint Sava’s unwavering devotion to Christ, lauding him as a pillar of the spiritual and cultural identity of the Serbian people. He emphasized the enduring values of “brotherly love, unity, justice, and the willingness to endure hardships for the sake of truth,” which have guided the Serbian nation through challenging times.
Patriarch Kirill also offered prayers for the resilience of the Serbian people, particularly those in Kosovo and Metohija, and extended his wishes for Patriarch Porfirije’s well-being and strength in his leadership role. Concluding with a message of “brotherly love in the Lord,” he reaffirmed the bond between the two Orthodox churches.
Read the full congratulatory message below:
Your Holiness,
beloved Brother and Co-Servant at the throne of God!I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on the feast day of Saint Sava of Serbia.
By dedicating his life to the Lord Jesus Christ from a young age, Saint Sava laid the foundation of his people on Him as the cornerstone.
The admirable qualities of brotherly love, unity, a strong sense of justice, and a readiness to endure suffering for the truth, ingrained in the national character through Orthodox faith and the legacy of St. Sava, have provided strength to the Serbs during times of great tribulation.
I pray to the All-Generous God to bestow strength upon His people (Ps. 28:11), who are upholding the confession of faith on the sacred land of Kosovo and Metohija, and to grant Your Holiness good health and unwavering assistance in your esteemed and weighty Patriarchal duties.
With fraternal love in the Lord,