The Church honors the memory of Righteous martyr Eudokia and Virgin-martyr Domnina of Syria.
Saint Eudokia was born in Heliopolis, Phoenicia, during the time of Emperor Trajan. She lived a life consumed by sin and corruption until a miraculous transformation occurred within her soul. After a severe illness, she left her past behind and repented for her sins.
Baptized by Bishop Theodotus, she embraced Christianity, giving away all her possessions to the needy and leading an ascetic life. When she was arrested and brought before King Aurelianos for her faith, her prayers resulted in the resurrection of the king’s deceased child and his conversion to Christianity.
Subsequently brought before ruler Diogenes, Saint Eudokia was released due to God’s miracles performed through her. Ultimately, she was martyred for her unwavering devotion to Christ.
The lives of honored saints like Eudokia, Domnina, and Synesius serve as a reminder that faith, humility, and prayer attract God’s grace to those who sincerely seek redemption and salvation in Christ.
Source: Church of Cyprus