And so Hezekiah trusted in God’s promise and refused to surrender. And what happened next was a miracle. The Assyrian army was miraculously defeated, and Jerusalem was saved.
So, when the rabbis say not to rely on miracles, they are referring to unnecessary risks or foolish behavior. But when it comes to following God’s commandments and trusting in His promises, we must have faith and rely on miracles. This is the essence of Purim and the lesson we can learn from the story of Hezekiah and Sennacherib. Trust in God, see the sacred in the profane, and know that He is always with us, guiding and protecting us.
Even if an individual doesn’t have an obligation of settling the Land of Israel, there’s no question but that the Jews as a nation do have such an obligation.
Isaiah could not have been telling Hezekiah, “God says take the chance.” A prophet who issues a ruling of Jewish law through prophecy is supposed to be killed. What he was telling Hezekiah was that God had already told him to hold tight. And that’s what he did. And that’s why we’re still here today.
Have a Joyous and Israelite Purim