Browsing: Orthodox Jews
Photo Credit: Jewish Press Bava Metzia Daf 96 Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses a…
Photo Credit: Ben Azzai said: Be quick in performing a minor commandment as in…
In American culture, the word “hallelujah” is so associated with Christian prayer and music—and overall…
Photo Credit: Mr. Ganz was a diamond exchange worker who was offered a batch…
Photo Credit: Jewish Press The Torah is both the blueprint of the world and the…
Regenerate While Avraham did not suspend a mountain over the heads of those he brought…
Photo Credit: Jewish Press As we conclude the Shemoneh Esrei, we ask Hashem, âVâsein chelkeinu…
Comedian Kevin Hart was bumped from hosting the 2019 Oscars for years-old homophobic tweets. Harry…
Regenerate “His head and his entire being must be involved in Torah. Only then can…
Photo Credit: Jewish Press Pirkei Avot was originally comprised of five chapters; the sixth was…