Browsing: Orthodox Jews

Photo Credit: Jewish Press The story of Bilaam opens with the truce struck between two…

Photo Credit: How long does it take you to recite Kri’at Shema every morning during…

Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz Halacha prohibits causing pain to animals. There is a Talmudic discussion…

Earlier this month Michal Loewenstern, the ten-year-old daughter of Elisha Loewenstern, z”l, who fell in…

Photo Credit:   Importance Living in a world inhabited by billions of people can…

Photo Credit: CourtesyRabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, z”l The Danger of Defining Oneself as Alone The…

On a mystical level, that means that Shabbat’s holiness is intrinsic—it doesn’t vary—and it occurs…