Browsing: Orthodox Jews
Photo Credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90 In Parshas Shoftim, when the Kohen exhorted the troops before battle,…
Photo Credit: In Parshas Eikev we are shown the reward for our good deeds,…
Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz One thing that bothers me to no end is when people…
Photo Credit: The years pass and memories of those most dear to me remain…
Photo Credit: courtesy This week, a Jew hater with 1.6 million Twitter followers posted an…
Photo Credit: What is the real challenge of maintaining a free society? In parshat…
Photo Credit: Jewish Press In Parshat Eikev, Moshe reduces Hashem’s expectations from Israel to the…
Photo Credit: BSpitz “Dollar Sword” Moses recounts how Korah, Datan, Aviram and their followers who…
I had the large, flat gift in my hands. It was two days before our…
Photo Credit: The only pasuk in the Torah that lists the seven species â…