Browsing: Orthodox Jews
Photo Credit: This erev Shabbos is unique. Normally Fridays, especially in the afternoon, are…
Photo Credit: Question: I hope you will not mind answering several questions regarding the…
Photo Credit: Courtesy It was a saying among the people of Old Jerusalem: the character…
Photo Credit: Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, the founder of the Mussar movement (1809-1883), noted that…
Photo Credit: On Yom Kippur, we recite the Shemoneh Esrei with the text of…
Photo Credit: pixabay The Power of Prayer: Lessons from King Chizkiyahu One of the most…
Photo Credit: Flash90 The kittel is the white robe worn by Ashkenazi married men on…
Photo Credit: Bava Basra 108 Our Gemara on amud beis uses a prooftext to…
Photo Credit: We just experienced a Rosh Hashana like no other in the shadow…
Photo Credit: As we approach Yom Kippur it may seem strange to title a…