Browsing: Orthodox Jews
Photo Credit: At the conclusion of Parshat Yitro, after the account of the…
Photo Credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90 The Rabbeinu Efraim teaches us that the letter shin embedded on…
Our world never stops. Progress has become our religion, productivity our virtue, and rest our…
Photo Credit: Jewish Press â⦠Wherever I permit My Name to be mentioned I…
Photo Credit: The Rambam associates the fetus with a rodef when explaining why…
I must take responsibility for my actions and uphold moral values in all aspects of…
Photo Credit: Jewish Press Question: As I came into the synagogue, they were about…
Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz In the beginning of Parshas Yisro, Moshe is telling Yisro, his…
Photo Credit: Tu B’Shvat is the New Year for trees and marks the beginning…
Photo Credit: CourtesyAri Lipinski and his wife Yael planting a tree. Tu BâShvat: Celebrating the…