By Archbishop Sotirios of Canada
Reflecting on New Year’s Day, I turned to the Holy Bible for inspiration and found it in Luke 2:47: “Everyone who heard Him was amazed at His wisdom and His answers.” The twelve-year-old Christ displayed profound wisdom that we are called to imitate with humility and understanding.
We must use the time granted in the New Year wisely, as each moment is fleeting and death is inevitable. Our ultimate goal should be sanctification and holiness, drawing closer to God and imitating Christ. All other accomplishments pale in comparison to this eternal purpose.
Life after death is eternal, so we must choose the path of wisdom over destruction. Let us make the most of the new year, using it wisely to progress towards our ultimate goal of sanctification and holiness. May God grant us the wisdom to make the right choices and find true happiness and contentment in life.
As St. Paul wrote, “May the Lord grant you wisdom in all things.” May we all be granted wisdom and understanding to use this New Year wisely and strive for perfection and holiness in life.