The essence of life is growth and progress, as we strive to fulfill our true purpose. The only way we can genuinely change, transform, and evolve is if we have the capacity to assert our inner will and create a new reality within ourselves. This requires a complete re-creation of self within our consciousness, a remolding of our inner world. It involves giving up who we are for who we want to be, sacrificing what we think we want for what we truly want. This process of self-transformation requires a full assertion of willpower, an overcoming of self, and a breakdown and reformation of inner drive and character.
Rav Eliyahu Dessler explains that many people never experience a true assertion of their free will due to its difficulty. Change is hard, uncomfortable, and often requires sacrifice. However, when we push with all our might and express our inner will, we get a taste of truth, an experience of destiny, and a glimpse of our true selves.
Teshuva, the act of return, goes beyond fixing mistakes; it is about returning to our true and higher selves. Our mission in this world is to recreate ourselves and attain our original state of perfection. This theme is the mystical root of creation itself, as all of existence is meant to return to its original true form.
When faced with failure and bad decisions, the key is to make a decision to change the momentum. Choice is a powerful tool that allows us to accomplish anything. It is important to disconnect our failures from our identity and view them as learning opportunities for growth and improvement.
The Torah emphasizes the importance of will and the power of decision. Free will is the root of teshuva, as it involves reengineering our will, recreating our desires, and rewiring our wants. Making a new decision creates a new reality for ourselves.
As the shofar blows this year, let us awaken to the power of choice and embark on a journey of genuine teshuva to become our ultimate selves.