The Archbishop of Athens shared a message with the Clergy and the faithful of the Church of Greece for Easter 2024, proclaiming: “Brethren, Christ is Risen!”
He emphasized the significance of Christ’s Resurrection, describing it as a revelation of humanity’s ultimate destiny and the redemption of creation.
However, he also acknowledged the presence of evil, violence, and death in human history, tracing their origins back to Adam’s decision to prioritize self-love over love for God.
Read the Archbishop’s message below:
Brethren, Christ is Risen,
and everything is now illuminated with eternal light—the heavens, the earth, and even the depths below!
The Resurrection of Christ has unveiled the destiny of humanity and all creation in the final days. It is a reason for celebration, as we partake in this divine revelation through our communion with the Church’s sacred mysteries.
Nevertheless, evil, violence, death, and absurdity still persist in History. These are the consequences of Adam’s choice to fall in love with himself instead of turning his love to God.
Evil was not present before and does not come from the material realm. It entered the world through sin (Rom. 8, 20-22), plunging mankind into the valley of death (Ps. 22:4).
The world is plagued by various forms of violence. In our era, we witness escalating conflicts among family members, within communities, and on a global scale in the Middle East.
As long as our society remains distant from God, evil will continue to thrive. Each individual carries the responsibility to break the cycle of violence and revenge, choosing to follow the example set by Christ.
Christ’s Resurrection transcended death due to His unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. It was the result of His deep relationship and sense of community. The solutions to our challenges do not lie in wielding power and authority but in embracing freedom and love.
Christ is Risen!
† Ieronymos II of Athens
Translated by: Konstantinos Menyktas