The Power of the BeastSpeaking of the Book of Life, I’ll tell you a story from the Holy Mountain that happened in the 1920s and 1930s at New Skete, where there were caves.
Part 25
If any man have an ear, let him hear (Rev. 13:9). Thank God, we all have ears and a tongue. But who hears? We have ears but we don’t hear. At least, we don’t hear God.
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints (Rev. 13:10). Here the Apostle John speaks in a riddle. What does it mean? It means nothing will happen without foresight—every one of a man’s acts has God’s attention. God knows and sees all human affairs—then, now, and always. Whatever a man does, he’ll find a corresponding reward for his deeds. Whoever leads another man into captivity will himself be taken captive. Whoever kills others will himself be killed. This is a spiritual law.
However, despite all this, here will be the
On the Virtue of PatienceDear brothers and sisters, there is nothing we more often encounter in life than misfortunes and sorrows! What should we do amidst all these misfortunes in order to keep ourselves from harm, to not be conquered but to become conquerors?
This doesn’t mean God leaves you alone. God doesn’t leave anyone alone—He’s always with us. But God lets us feel abandoned so our free consent, our freedom can manifest itself. Then God appears, acts, and saves the man if he’s meant to be saved, and if he’s meant to die, then he dies.
On the Holy Mountain, I read some amazing testimonies of our brother the Romanian Vitaliu, who lived during the time of the communist regime, around the 1950s and 60s, and experienced terrible persecution. A young man, he grew old in prison, where they tried to break him. It’s hard to even talk about his torments. But Vitaliu remained faithful to Christ, and the Lord strengthened him: He gave him tremendous fortitude to endure everything.
The journals of these martyrs are being published now. We learn about their experiences from their recollections. Recently, there was a book, Enemy of the People, which talks about a priest who, like the Holy Hierarch Luke, underwent severe trials because he was considered an enemy of the people.
And in those days, the beast will have power, will lead the world, and patience and faith will help to endure terrible torments and death itself for the sake of the love of God.
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon (Rev. 13:11). Here he’s talking about another beast. This time, it doesn’t come out of the sea like the one before it, but comes up from the ground. It has two horns, like a ram’s horns, and its voice resembles that of a dragon, the voice of satan.
The Beast with Two Horns Like a Lamb, Albrecht Dürer, 1498
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed (Rev. 13:12). This beast does the same things as the other beast. He forces the whole earth and those living on it to worship the previous beast, whose mortal wound was healed. This second beast, coming out of the earth, has two horns and the voice of a dragon.
The second beast possesses power and influences the world to follow the first beast, which has deceived many and compels the world to worship it. This second beast performs great wonders, such as making fire come down from heaven in front of people. By these miracles, he deceives the inhabitants of the earth and convinces them to create an image of the first beast, who had been wounded but survived. This second beast also has the power to give life to the image of the first beast, causing it to speak and execute those who refuse to worship it. Furthermore, he forces all people, regardless of status, to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead, without which they cannot engage in commerce. This mark bears either the name or the number of the beast. The Apostle John mentions that the number of the beast is 666, symbolizing a man’s number. Elder Paisios explains that in the future, people may willingly accept this mark for practical reasons, but they should not be deceived by its true significance. He envisions a time when carrying identification, bank cards, and other personal information will be deemed unnecessary, with the mark serving as a means of identification and communication in emergencies. In order to avoid these potential dangers and make traveling more convenient with all our information at hand, it is suggested that we obtain this mark. Imagine going to the airport and having all your personal data readily available upon scanning your hand. Or visiting the bank, holding out your hand, and receiving the exact amount of money you need. Even in a medical emergency, having your hand scanned to provide vital information like blood type, allergies, and medical history. It seems practical and beneficial at first glance.
However, if we shift our perspective, this mark could also enable global surveillance and control. With advancements in technology, such as computers, the concept of worldwide monitoring is no longer far-fetched. The mark, potentially bearing the number 666 as a code, could pave the way for universal control. While it may not be the seal of the antichrist, preparations for such control are underway. The rapid spread of economic crises across borders highlights the ease with which global control can be achieved.
According to Revelation, a time may come when no one can hide, thanks to satellite technology. The mark will become essential for all transactions, and those loyal to God may refuse it. The arrival of the antichrist will signal the culmination of these events, leading to a time when everything will be prepared for his reign. The signs of the end times are becoming more apparent, bringing us closer to the inevitable conclusion of this world.
It is suggested that the mark will not be forced upon individuals, but rather conditions will be created to make life extremely difficult without it. The antichrist and a false prophet, serving as his accomplice, will emerge to lead this global control. While there may be many antichrists before the ultimate one arrives, the distinguishing features of the antichrist include attempting to replace Christ and opposing Him. This figure will deceive many with miracles and present himself as a savior, ultimately leading to a time of great tribulation.
—Will we be able to know him by how he acts?
—We’ll recognize him by the arrogance and haughtiness in his words. He’s going to persecute the Church and Christ.
—Geronda, who will help us in the time of the antichrist?
—No one will be left without God’s care. God will preserve those who have faith and remain faithful to Christ. God won’t abandon us. We won’t be cast into the hands of satan. God is with us! Revelation was written to tell us that Christ will prevail.
Here it talks about beasts, but further on you’ll see that all these beasts will go into the lake of fire burning with sulfur. Christ will prevail. Revelation was written to impart strength and boldness to us, so we wouldn’t be afraid.
We know that all this can happen, but whoever unites with Christ will have greater power than satan. “The least among us is the greatest in the world”—the least among us is greater than satan. The Lord won’t abandon us. He’ll protect the smallest, simplest man; he won’t allow him to get lost. Those who want to be tempted and those who are enslaved by sin are the ones who will be tempted. The man of God won’t be tempted and won’t be afraid of all this.