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My recent travels led me to a community without a regular minyan, unlike my home where I have access to numerous minyanim daily. The experience of praying alone for several days made me reflect on the importance of solitude in prayer.
Praying with a minyan has its benefits, both halachically and socially. However, there is a downside to group activities as well. Being part of a group can sometimes make us forget the true purpose of our actions. We may become less aware of the fact that we are standing before G-d when praying with others.
During my travels, I visited an observation point in the Rocky Mountains, a place where one would expect to feel a sense of existential loneliness. Yet, I was surprised to see someone glued to their cell phone, seeking constant connection with others even in such a remote location.
The advancements in technology have made it increasingly difficult to be alone. We are constantly connected to others through various devices, which can prevent us from experiencing true solitude. However, it is essential to acknowledge and embrace our existential loneliness at times.
In the past, solitude was a common experience, but it is becoming rare in today’s digital age. While it is understandable to avoid loneliness, it is important to have moments of true solitude for self-reflection and awareness of our individual existence.
Loneliness is a profound feeling that reminds us of our ultimate reality as individuals. By acknowledging our limitations and mortality, we can cultivate a sense of humility and modesty, as exemplified by great figures like Moshe and King David.
Praying in a minyan has its advantages, as it allows us to feel part of a greater unit and make requests to G-d with more confidence. However, praying alone can also be a valuable experience that reminds us of the fundamental reality of being alone.